Lean on me: Asking for help on the content team
April 25, 2016
onOur content squad is made of folks with a wide range of backgrounds and skills — we put this to good use by regularly asking each other for help with projects. Here’s a look into some of our recent collaboration.
What is an API?
April 22, 2016
onAn API is like a grocery store, helping you get bananas without having to plant a banana tree.
Checklistomania makes it easy to keep track of relative tasks
April 21, 2016
onWe use Checklistomania to help new and existing employees keep track of tasks that need to be completed. It’s open source and in the public domain: fork it, adapt it, use it — and let us know how we can make it better
A clear audience makes for a good blog post
April 20, 2016
onThe most important advice I give 18F staff while they’re working on a blog post is to define their audience as clearly and as narrowly as possible. This focus has helped us overcome numerous hurdles to publishing quality blog posts, and it’s also the part of our new Blogging Guide that I’m most excited about.
Looking at the different ways to test content
April 19, 2016
onWe know good content when we see it, and we’re frustrated when we don’t. Keeping this in mind, are there ways that writers can quantify and measure their writing? We’ve looked at different tests you can run depending on the age of your audience.
18F Blog
Delivering civic technology
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